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July 3rd, 2008
You know...writing a website takes time now. Then again,
it's not like I really have anything to add these days.
Eventually I'll finish up the reviews and my DVD collection
has probably now gone defunt because I mean seriously, I
need to start watching them instead of making a website. For
now, expect interval updates in Capcom Comics. I might
branch out and turn into a Capcom Fansite or something...not
sure. AOA Productions hasn't released anything in years.
(That's me by the way, haha.) Thanks for reading.
Also, effective immediately:
My new email is angelofanimes@gmail.com
I can't stress how much JUNK I've recently received with my
excite account, and so I am changing it to my gmail account,
please email me there from now on. I usually respond within
24 hours, especially with gmail notifier. If any problem
with the site arrives, please report them.
I'm a little slow in my reviews, but I have finished up
Street Fighter! I also redesigned it too! I hope you like!
Also while I'm late, there's new Street Fighter information!
Street Fighter IV! On top of that there is a slew of new
Udon comics coming out! Street Fighter II: Turbo! Street
Fighter III! Street Fighter: Chun-Li! This is amazing!
There's also new about the Chun-Li movie! Played by Kristin
Kruek! All of this is an amazing start of 2008 for Street
Fighter! So watch out!
January 3rd, 2008
It's a great new year! It is also more than FOUR
years of me maintaining (poorly) this website! I really
wish I had more time to do all the stuff I want but time
and patience is a virtue. For now, I have updated Capcom
Comics and soon I hope I will be able to update my
COLLECTION updated with everything up to date. Thank you
and Happy New Year!
My reviews are quite short now, nobody wants to
read long reviews. They all will follow the format of SFL:
Sakura now! Awesome I think =).
2007: Keeping a schedule these days is very hard. I've
finished up Sakura Legends review by the way! =)
August 1st,
You know, I think my reviews are getting, well,
more constructed. I think I babbled a lot on the first few,
but I'm trying to construct them better. I've decided that
after I complete Street Fighter, I won't give a synopsis
about the comic, just straight to the review. So in the
event of that, I plan to review the very recent STREET
FIGHTER LEGENDS: SAKURA with this new agenda! =) Of course
with this, it required some updates also, so I made Sakura's
website also!
July 16, 2007
A little late huh? Well I am working more on adding
extensive to my collection, but most of my work will
probably now go into the reviews section of Capcom
Comics. So please check that out! -AOA
May 4, 2007
It seems as though I messed up again. I forgot to
upload me completing the reviewing of the first six issues
of Street Fighter. This doesn't even relate to this main
part of the site. I will try and update more of the
collection on my site later on. I'm almost beginning to lose
interest on this, but I'm glad I haven't yet. Please Check
Capcom Comics! I will try to update more frequently.
May 4th,
2007: I originally wrote everything the month before,
but again, forgot to upload them to the website. I've gotten
all seven reviews done of the first issues of the arc! How
wonderful. I may go back and revise some of them because
some of the things I wrote fit more into a comic-series
review as a whole. Hopefully I can finish Street Fighter
sometime soon! So I can start on others.
January 21st, 2007
Finally a new year! This website has slumped for a
while, who knew it was so hard to maintain a website
after a while. I actually had two updates that I forgot
to update in March and July, but alas, I was unable to. I'm going to try and keep it up
with this website as long
as I am alive. I have changed SHOP to Collection, things
are still available for trade or sale but they will not
be listed with the prices anymore. I've also changed the
layout of the POPUP windows to something else, something
more detailed and informative. Bear with me as I try and
work on it. I want to keep this
site something to look forward to. I hope to fix it up
more. I know in past years I might have been dumbfounded
on some of the things that I made (especially pertaining
to DVD sets), but learning is something everyone does.
Hopefully everything will be better. Expansion of my
site is a goal, especially with my interest in
the Udon Comics series. One of the main things I want to
do is transfer my website to an actual domain, but I'll
have to wait until then.
I changed the color of CAPCOM
NEWS into blue, because capcom isn't even known for
having a red color, they're blue. (And it hurts my eyes)
I am starting to have reviews in Capcom Comics
on the Street Fighter Comic Series. Hopefully I can
start to update monthly to and eventually catch up to
the Udon releases. My goal is to expand the website
quicker and allow more traffic flow to anyone who
actually reads my site. Also, to actually make the webpage more
reputable, I've added a * to by what's been update in
each of my updates.
3, 2006:
Zoom about 10 months later and BOOM, a
website has arrived. Yes I closed my website mainly for
this. I have done a lot on this portion of the website. The
original banner that I had for it was too small and boring.
So I made a new one more big and vibrant. As my main page
says, this website has been optimized with the thought of
you having BROADBAND. Most images here are swept to their
max, although unneeded I do so anyway. I hope you enjoy this
portion of my website. I'll also try and incorporate news
that I receive about the CAPCOM comics made by Udon!
February 3, 2006 Update:
It's been almost half a year since I updated. I did
as much as I could to change it up. My deadline was
January but I thought one more month couldn't hurt. I
hope you guys like the various new things that I did to
the website. Mainly CAPCOM COMICS. The CAPCOM Comics
section has gone under many changes. So mainly I closed
the website for that. I also revised all my descriptions
of my Music Videos. I also took out a lot of the things
May 15 2005 Update:
actually it's not. I haven't done anything yet, because I've
been busy or rather yet lazy. Well I'll fix up this place
even more as the time goes by, Check back often!
I hope to get some scans up for Street Fighter, and some for
DarkStalkers also. But Street Fighter takes top priority!
Well Looks like this is rather a nothing'd update.
July 27, 2005 Update:
I've worked on a Swat Kats set for myself,
I noticed that there ARE better sets then mine out
there, but who said I was making these sets for everyone
else? I'm making these for my own pure collection. I'm
almost done with Totally Spies, I have 3 episodes left
to capture. As my first long term project, I have to
say, that a year's worth of capturing is not so bad.
Capcom Comics will have an update very soon! Thank you
for those that frequent my website.
June 20, 2005 Update:
It seems as though I actually got something done :)
I capture 6 episodes of Swat Kats, the retailed
episodes. However, it was from SLP tapes, so my
Boomerang set will be much better. But I like logoless
dvds too don't you? Totally Spies is airing a few
episodes I need finally, I'll be done in due time. I
wanted this place to be more than a shopping experience
but so far I've been too slow on doing anything. I hope
to get Capcom Comics up and going before the Summer ends
and Fall begins. I got rid of a few VCD master sets of
mine. Hopefully it makes it to them.
The Beginning:
March 20, 2005:
All New, and all awesome, ANGEL OF ANIMES' CAPCOM
SECTION, this place I'll give small caps and pictures taken
from the comic book, funfics I'll do, fanfics etc. However,
this part of the webpage doesn't have the same menu as the
others. So once again, I'll just say that it's a subdomain
website, but really this is a subdomain already so I'll call
it a sub-site...:D
As you can see, I've already started with the logo and
May 15, 2005 Update:
Well, I did nothing much. I did find out that
Totally Spies is not airing old episodes anymore. This is
sad because I had ten episodes left to go to complete
everything. Well, I'll hope it reairs sometime soon. I have
to wait a few weeks before I am able to burn a complete
Static Shock set. This will be quite a nice set. Other than
that, I have nothing updated except that I took out the
guestbook on every page, nobody was even looking at it. And
that's pretty much it.
March 29th, 2005 Update:
Seems as though I fixtured prices almost all dvds
are 5 dollars! That's low! Thanks to today's walmart,
and I also added Capcom Comics, in it's early works
Ah...Finally, Angel Of Animes...
March 20, 2005 Update:
Capcom Comics is in it's premature stages..^_^!
Currently, I'm working on it's banner and everything,
so I can have a sophisticated website, although it's
going to be a rushed project...sadly...so that's
that...I plan on finishing a lot of things, but really I
have 15+ projects I have on my computer never finished
because I'm just that slow and want to start something
else so fast. Well until the next update!
March 11th, 2005 Update:
Yes, I did forget to update on February, I kept
saying I'd do it tommrow, but starting this month I am
changing my ways and finishing up projects faster! This
is what I plan on finishing this month Swat Kats,
Static Shock, S1 Totally Spies, and Mummies Alive.
Once again, I'm sorry I didn't have much to update and
I've been slow, just how I work...Thanks! For those of
you who read it especially those who frequent this site.
January 27 '05 Update:
I updated a very minor update of just updating Princess
Minerva, which I forgot I had. I'll get screen shots of
Voltrons by next month. This is my last update this
month and I plan not to update every week but every
January 24 '05 Update:
I have to put up a couple new pictures and make more
of the screen shots. I added Voltron Lion Force and
gonna start working on the dvd covers and screen shots
of both series. I'm
gonna make some new sets soon and stuff and so it'll
help. Anyway this update is just a minor update. And so
hopefully it's good...I plan a March release of 'Capcom
Comics' Section just because I really don't want to be
updating it just for the shop. So Capcom Comics here I
January 14 '05 Update:
I added a couple new shows like 3? I'm trying to get
screen shots of some of my DVDs so that it won't be all
'coming soon' I am hoping to start on a new project soon
but I still have Static Shock and
The New Adventures of Captain Planet to work on.
January '05 Update:
I took a LONG vacation without telling anyone. I'm
sorry about that. I'm back now an I'm glad to be back. I
have various new things I finished in December since I
planned on coming back on January. So I have 2-3 sets
done. I enjoyed my vacation and now I am happy to be
back here to help everyone with there needs! I'll be
updating every week this January of the new '05 to
celebrate. And don't forget
September Update:
I skipped ALL of my projects set to September, I did
not have time for it...I just spent alot of money to get
me a new Capture Card and now I can capture in a breeze!
It's fantastic! By the end of 'this' year I will have a
TON of new shows! Sorry for the lateness...But soon I
will have a bunch load of stuff! ^_^
August Update:
I've added the projects I worked on during July, and
I've also added ALOT of VCD products also, Some of it
might interest you, I'm working on other sets that have
been delayed, I am also converting Anime VHS, very rare
anime, They will come regularly and not on the coming
soon list. I've also decided to delete TIFCO-trade in for
cash out, I had only a few customers who wanted to do
that, And I am about to add more fun links soon such as
information, not just a place for Shopping, If you've
noticed I've taken out the HUGE picture that you get to
before this address. -AOA
July 2004:
I've added more stuff to the SHOP
page, as well as information on DVDs only. I won't have
information on VCDs anymore. I've made a new place for
past news if you would like to
know what's going on or something, or what happened so
far. I've started working on new shows and new things
and hopefully with more purchases I can upgrade my
June 2004:
Site gets a complete new look with pictures and
soon to be new pages and new things to see! I hope
you enjoy my website and the new features I will be
showing soon! I hope you guys like the new look
Sometime long ago:
Angel Of Animes Productions was born